In Italy

Rosa Luxemburg Secondary School was founded in 1974 and it has been operating in the Educational system since then. It offers students four main courses they can choose from.

1. TUR course with Foreign Languages, Tourism Laws, and Business Economics
2. AFM course which deals with Accounting, Business Economics, Law and Foreign Languages,
3. RIM course with Foreign Languages, Law and International Law
4. SIA course with IT, Business Economics and Law

Law and Economics are the main subjects for all courses, but they differ in responding to students preferences: Information Technology for those who want to work with data and computers, Foreign Languages for students who want to work in tourism and hotel industry, but also travel and deal with international questions; finally Accountancy for students who like accounting and book keeping.
The main priorities of our school are:
– its main technical/vocational nature and its attention to foreign languages;
– its international overlooking
– the several training opportunities it offers to students

Rosa Luxemburg School invests every year enormous resources in Foreign Languages Certification, Language study stays, Erasmus plus and PON Projects; a particular attention is given to labour market in order to find the most suitable training, internship and work experiences for students who first come into contact with the world of work.
With regards to Information Technology, our school is licenced for ECDL examination and other certificates such as AICA certification EUCIP (IT Technician), and Legal Informatics, Project Management, as it offers internal training opportunities for both students and teachers. Ongoing Students Guidance is a key word, not only when they first get to school, but also during the initial two-year period which is really important for them. Students Guidance continues after the two- year common course, as they have to choose from the four possible offered paths; finally, before they graduate, students are guided to choose for their future.
When they graduate, Students can choose either to start to work or carry on with their studies at University: that is why guidance throughout their school career is a priority. Our school is a founding member of an association of secondary schools called “Almadiploma” which aims to :
1) Provide guidance tools to choose University Studies
2) Help graduates to enter the world of work
3) Facilitate companies to recruit qualified staff
4) Reduce job-matching timing
5) Provide school with information about the effectiveness of the training paths offered

For further information please visit our website

Link to Italian Partners

  1. ITC Rosa Luxemburg
  2. ADi Associazione Docenti e Dirigenti scolastici Italiani
  3. Università La Sapienza



Italian tool report: click here to download the Report pdf file (in Italian language)