The Spaced Learning

Spaced Learning is significant because it deploys neuroscientific research, which enables this process to take place very quickly – quickly enough to cover and retain a whole subject module’s content in approximately an hour. A Spaced Learning session consists of three ‘inputs’ divided by 10-minute breaks, which students spend doing a simple activity such as dribbling a basketball or playing with modelling clay. The first input is a lecture in which the teacher presents a large body of information, usually supported by a PowerPoint presentation. The second input focuses on recall, so students might be presented with the same PowerPoint presentation, now missing many key words, or they might carry out simple maths problems using the formulae presented in the first input. The final input focuses on understanding, so students should carry out a task that applies the knowledge or skills they have just acquired. This process of rapid structured repetition, separated by short breaks, embeds the information in the longterm memory.

Spaced Learning Making memories stick

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